As the nationwide leader with decades of combined experience, REAL Robotics for Kids will provide everything you need to optimize fun, success, training, and accountability.
Please fill in the information required on the form below, and then click the submit button. REAL Robotics for Kids will reach out to you to confirm your order. We look forward to assisting you so you can launch your R.E.A.L. Robotics for Kids program in your school.
Participating in R.E.A.L. is easy and cost effective. Each participating classroom requires one R.E.A.L. kit which includes everything you need: parts for 5 robots, instructional material and online support.
Parts are packaged with the learning experience geared to 4th graders in mind. The robots are extremely durable, operate from an online app and are designed for in-class programs as well as intramural competitions.
R.E.A.L. kit pricing is based on quantity, so it is more cost effective for school districts to pool their orders. Kits contain 5 units and are suited for class sizes of up to 30 students.
4/1/20 pricing is as follows:
(Note each “kit” contains 5 units, or “Micro-Bots,” and everything needed to launch the program)
• 1-25 unit pricing: $3,205/kit (4-6 week lead time)
• 26-100 unit pricing: $2,575/kit (4 – 6-week lead time)
•101-250 unit pricing: $2,275/kit (6 – 8-week lead time)
• Over 250 units/50 kits require a special quote and timing estimate.

R.E.A.L. Robotics for Kids
1333 Aston Road
Hanover, MD 21076
For inquiries and follow-up, please contact us at the address below:
©2021 R.E.A.L., Real Experiential and Applied Learning, Hanover, MD, All Rights Reserved.